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Xavier Faltot

Xavier Faltot: Media Mutant, brille par ses images expérimentales, mêlant art, technologie, cinéma et poésie. Dès ses débuts avec l’artiste Shu Lea Cheang, il sait capturer et danser avec le réel. Ses œuvres, à la fois provocantes et captivantes, reflètent une compréhension profonde de la globale culture actuelle. Samouraï virtuel multimedia et pionnier français dans l'utilisation des outils offerts par le web, il attend depuis toujours l'arrivée des intelligence artificielles. Aujourd’hui à l’aise avec les machines qui créent en vrai, il joue et fabrique des mondes animés à la carte ou des univers virtuels inconnus. ////// Xavier Faltot: Media Mutant, shines through his experimental images, mixing art, technology, cinema and poetry. From his early work with artist Shu Lea Cheang, he has captured and danced with reality. His works, both provocative and captivating, reflect a deep understanding of today's global culture. A multimedia digital samurai and French pioneer in the use of web tools, he has always awaited the arrival of artificial intelligence. Now at ease with the machines that create the real thing, he plays with and creates bespoke animated worlds or unfamiliar virtual universes.
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Radio Comeme - Matias Aguayo - RADIOMARAIS




En 2012, dans la continuité du Label Cómeme, Matias Aguayo et Avril Ceballos créent Radio Cómeme. Des podcasts de résidents ou de shows spéciaux dénichés dans le monde entier, pour partager et proposer des réflexions musicales et faire tomber les barrières culturelles principalement causées par la distance géographique. Radio Cómeme est un reflet du vaste réseau d’amateurs de musique que le label déniche dans le monde entier.

El Disco Es Cultura 05 by Byron Maiden
DjsPareja Club Radio by Djs Pareja
– MARS –
Syntesize 01 by Mister Sushi
El disco es cultura 03 by Sano
150Session 02 by ML
“110%” 04 by Sanfuentes
– MAI –
“The Dreamcatcher” 2 by Borusiade
“Sentimental Flashback” 08 by Lena Willikens
– JUIN –
“150Session” 07 radio Show by ML
Salsapower 01 by Fabio
The Dreamcatcher 3 by Borusiade
“Djs Pareja Club Radio” 07 by Djs Pareja
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=333333&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”600″ iframe=”true” /]

Following on from the creation of Cómeme label, Matias Aguayo cofounded Radio Cómeme with Avril Ceballos in 2012. It was created out of the need to share and propose reflections on music. The aim is to aid in breaking down cultural barriers that are mainly caused by geographical distance. Radio Cómeme broadcast regular shows from radio’s ‘residents’ as well as special shows from Santiago de Chile, London, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Medellin, Madrid, Cologne, Valparaíso, Glasgow, Chicago, Tromsø and many other cities globally.

Radio Cómeme is a reflection of the vast network of music lovers, which the label Cómeme has gathered from around the world. They have a lot to tell and unique music to share. The radio is a platform to make this possible and let audiences hear their treasures. Like the 78rpm shellacs of the program La noche de los discos vivientes from Valparaiso, Chile; the adventurous record collection of Lena Willikens from Cologne, Germany in her show Sentimental Flashback ; the tête à tête interviews with South African artists in Matias Aguayo’s show V eneno ; the extended emotional travels of Inga Mauer in B on Voyage, from Russia; the poetic hours of 150Session by ML; T he Dreamcatcher by Borusiade, Latin vibes of S onorama from Chicago, S alsa Power by Fabio from Colombia; B edroom Tapes by Sano…

The list goes on and on to create a sound archive of more than 20 thousand hours of music! Radio Cómeme reflects the ever changing soundtrack of lives and presents these shows to Cómeme fans, music lovers and curious listeners as a platform that allows the wish to continue sharing the music that influenced us and that we love, from other times and regions of the planet.


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